Hail Damage Repair for Church Stained Glass Windows in Houston

church stained glass repair houston

Hail Damage Repair for Church Stained Glass Windows in Houston

Hail season is well underway in Texas. And for churches, the consequences of hail storms can be dire. Hail has been known to completely destroy church stained glass windows all throughout Houston. While we may not have a way to stop Mother Nature, we do offer a solution for repairing hail damaged stained glass: careful and conservative restoration.

For the past two years, Texas has ranked number one in the United States for hail damage. Texas hail storms have been known to ruin entire sales lots at car dealerships, break through building walls and roofs, and of course, totally shatter windows.

Professional Church Stained Glass Repair in Houston

At Houston Stained Glass, we offer professional church stained glass repair and restoration for Houston and the surrounding area. Over the past several years, we’ve worked with many churches and religious buildings on hail damage projects. Our expert glaziers and builders will go to work to repair your church’s beloved art and restore it to its original beauty.

Our main goal in restoration is to preserve as much of the original glass as possible. While there may be pieces of glass that are badly broken and need replacement, we will try to save as much of the glass as we can. We will also make sure that we preserve the original design as well. We do this by taking photographs which we then transfer to our computer aided software to make sure all details and measurements remain precise.

We understand that sometimes churches may not have the necessary means required for restoration. That’s why we’re also willing to provide fundraising consultation to help your church generate the necessary means for your restoration project. We firmly believe that where there’s a will, there’s always a way for these types of situations.

Get More Information

Looking for more information on our church stained glass restoration services? Give us a call. At Houston Stained Glass, we’re 100% committed to your needs. Call today to speak to one of our friendly staff members about your restoration project.

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