Hanging stained glass for any window in your home.

Hanging stained glass for any window in your home.

If you’re a fan of stained glass and have always dreamed of a piece in your home, Houston
Stained Glass are your stained glass experts. Stained glass can be sized to fit any room in your home. If you are thinking of something a little less permanent, you might consider a stained glass hanging piece. These pieces of stained glass are just as beautiful as a full stained glass window, but are designed to hang on a chain, either on a wall like a painting or in front of a window.

We have also had customers who’ve put their hanging stained glass on their patio or deck, or even in their yards. Hanging stained glass can be done in any style, any shape, any pattern or design, just like a regular permanently installed stained glass window. When you work with Houston Stained Glass to create a custom hanging panel, we will still collaborate with you to create a custom design. But hanging stained glass has one fantastic difference, in that it is portable.

If you decide you would rather have it in the dining room than where it was originally hung in your office, all you have to do is move it! And if you yourself move, it’s so easy to take your hanging stained glass panel with you. (Pack it well! It is glass, after all.)

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Imagine the row of windows in your living room, each one with a smaller stained glass panel hanging in front. They could be the same design or completely different, perhaps even creating a mural effect. Just imagine the sight when the sun shines through all those gorgeous stained glass works of art! This is just one way to use hanging stained glass for dramatic effect.

We have also had many Houston customers who wanted to give a piece of stained glass as a gift, for a new home, a housewarming or apartment-warming party, or any other occasion. A custom piece of stained glass truly makes for a unique, thoughtful, and well appreciated gift. When giving stained glass as a gift, it’s helpful to consider the tastes of the person receiving it.

Do they love antique or classic Celtic style designs? We can create a hanging stained glass panel in these styles. Are they outdoors people, who love bringing representations of nature into their home? They might like a hanging panel with a nature scene on it. Honestly, the only limits to the design of a stained glass hanging panel are those of your imagination.

And we can definitely help you with that! Why not give us a call today and schedule an appointment with one of our designers, to make your hanging stained glass piece of art a reality?

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