Stained Glass Protection For Lasting Glass

Stained Glass Protection For Lasting Glass

Do I Need A Protective Stained Glass Covering?

Just looking at stained Glass you get the feeling from its beauty that is somehow delicate but that is simply not true. Stained glass, is actually very durable, more durable in fact, than some types of plain sheet glass. However, it is important to have a protective covering over the stained glass in your church or home. This is because stained glass can be expensive and worth the small cost of prevention compared to the much larger cost of repair. Secondly, stained glass windows are usually installed to be heirlooms, something you want to make sure stays intact and looking good for a long time. Finally, because stained glass, especially on cathedrals, is often a target of vandalism. Ultimately, A protective covering on your stained glass lengthens its life and helps prevent the need for repair.

Types Of Stained Glass Coverings

Protective layers vary depending on what a client is looking for. There different options for clients to choose form depending on what level of protection they are looking for. At Houston Stained Glass, we can explain each to your to help you make the best choice.

Window Film Stained Glass Covering
The Pro: Is easily applied even on a DIY level (although not suggested) and can protect from UV Rays
The Con: Is not as strong as other protective layers, which could lead to glass still breaking.
Glass Stained Glass Covering
The Pro: it stays clear over time, and it is a little stiffer and more scratch resistant than the plastics.
The Con: Does not protect from UV rays unless tint is applied
Acrylic Stained Glass Covering
The Pro: Is strong, durable, stays clear over time
The Con: It does not insulate as well as an insulated glass

Texas’s Stained Glass Coverings Expert

Stained glass windows should always be something you buy in confidence it will last a long time. When properly maintained and cared for by a professional it is very much capable of doing so. At Houston Stained Glass, we know how to treat stained glass properly to give it the very longest life. We employ only the most skilled craftsmen and protective covering installation experts to ensure our client’s coveted stained glass lasts for the next 80-100 years. If you stained glass doesn’t have a protective cover, contact us so we can help you preserve your stained glass for the next generation to come.

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