Custom church stained glass for any denomination.

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Custom church stained glass for any denomination.

With the installation of church stained glass, Houston churches and other houses of worship have the wonderful opportunity to continue a long-held tradition: that of churches elevating their congregation’s worship with beauty in the form of stained glass.

Church stained glass, Houston citizens know, has been in use for many decades, even centuries. In fact, most people believe that church stained glass was the first use of this art. It was certainly the most spectacular use, but not the first. Did you know that stained glass windows were first used in the homes of wealthy Romans in their homes in the first century AD? That’s 2000 years ago!!

But some of the earliest church stained glass is a piece showing the head of Christ from the 10th century, discovered at the Lorsch Abbey in Germany. So church stained glass really does have an ancient and well storied history. According to historians, during the Middle Ages, the average person could not yet read. Not even the Bible. So stained glass that told a story, illustrated a Bible scene, or paid homage to a particular religious saint or icon was very popular as a way of getting a message across to the people.

For more information about the history of stained glass windows, take a look at this terrific article.


However, even though stained glass is traditional in churches around the world, that doesn’t mean the custom church stained glass Houston churches commission needs to be even remotely traditional in its appearance. In fact, it can be custom made in any style, pattern, or design that fits your denomination, your church’s architecture, and the tastes of your worshipers.

You could still use stained glass to show a scene from the Bible, or you could have a more modern image, or no particular image at all.

Here at Houston Stained Glass, church stained glass is one of our favorite things to work on. We love the intricate patterns, the vivid colors, the inspirational value we know the piece will provide to churches of any denomination.

To have a look at just some of the many church stained glass windows we have created for clients, click here. You’ll notice how completely different each window is. That is because when you work with Houston Stained Glass, each piece we create is custom-designed for each client.

If you are looking for religious or church stained glass, Houston churches or any of the surrounding or adjacent areas, we would love to talk with you. We’d love to collaborate to create the most beautiful and perhaps even profound stained glass for your church, cathedral, rectory, temple, or any other house of worship. Why not contact us today?

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