Custom religious stained glass


Custom religious stained glass

Houston Stained Glass works together with clients to create gorgeous custom designed religious stained glass. Houston is a huge city filled with churches, cathedrals, and other houses of worship. For those churches that are looking to add some inspirational stained glass, we work together with them one on one to create the exact designs they want.

When it comes to church stained glass, Houston churches are all different. Different in their denominations. Different in their styles of worship. Different in their styles of architecture. And last but hardly least, different in their budgets as well. So our designs must all be different as well.

Whereas one church client might want an extremely traditional stained glass window or series of windows featuring scenes from the Bible, another church might want something less literal and more modern. While one church might want a row of stained glass windows that stretch from floor to ceiling, another might want stained glass double doors or just one small stained glass window in the sanctuary or behind the pulpit. When it comes to church stained glass, Houston churches are all different. We respect that. We respect their ideas and are always honored to collaborate on a beautiful stained glass design.

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With our custom design process for church stained glass, Houston clients can be sure of getting exactly what they were looking for. The design process begins with a visit by one of our local design professionals. Many different ideas and images and patterns can be discussed and sketched, until the actual design is decided upon.

At that point, we take the project back to our studio and commence work. All of our church stained glass, Houston clients are happy to hear, is hand crafted using the utmost care and attention to detail. When the pieces are complete, our professional installers will finish the job.

We love adding custom stained glass to modern churches, joining them to the lineage of religious institutions around the world who have been adorned with beautiful stained glass art works for centuries, dating back to the Middle Ages in Europe. With our church stained glass, Houston churches join that lineage in a most gorgeous way.

For more information about our custom design process for church stained glass, Houston or anywhere across the state, we hope that you will contact us today. We would be happy to set up an appointment in the church with one of our designers and we would be most honored to work with you. You can call us or get in touch using our convenient online web form. Either way, we look forward to working with you.

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